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Are you looking for a leading company that offers water heater installation services Fort Collins locals recommend? If so, Allen Service is the plumbing company for you! We offer a broad range of plumbing and HVAC services to ensure your home is well cared for and you don’t go without running water, hot water, or comfortable indoor temps.

Energy Efficient Solutions

If your water heater has called it quits, we can provide you with energy efficient solutions. With water heaters, your household size and the capacity needed will be taken into account to determine the number of gallons needed in your new water heater. There are also many options regarding the type of water heater, including conventional, tankless, heat pump, solar, and indirect. Our plumbers will go over each option to help determine which water heater will best suit your needs, while saving you the most money on your water heating bill.

Save Money

Beyond upgrading to a more energy efficient water heater, you can also lower the water heater’s temperature to save money. Try dropping it 10 degrees lower than you’re used to and see if it can accommodate your household’s needs. Continue doing so until dropping it any lower would leave you without enough hot water.

Whatever plumbing issue arises, we have you covered. Contact us anytime you experience an issue with your plumbing. We’re happy to help!