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How to Handle a Plumbing Emergency in 9 Steps
How to Handle a Plumbing Emergency in 9 Steps

Plumbing emergencies can strike your Fort Collins home without warning, turning a calm day into chaos. Your automatic response may be to panic, but there’s no need to lose your cool. Whether it’s a burst pipe or a clogged drain, knowing the right steps can make all the difference. Here are nine practical steps to take during a plumbing emergency.
Step 1: Shut Off the Water
Your first move should be to stem the flow of water to prevent…

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Plumbing Technician Inspecting Kitchen Sink
Plumbing Maintenance Checklist

Homeownership is rewarding, but it comes with unique responsibilities. One is the need to perform regular plumbing maintenance to prevent future headaches, costly damages, and inconvenient plumbing emergencies.

Every tap, pipe, and drain in your house contributes to the overall plumbing system—a network that is as complex as it is vital. A minor leak today could snowball into a major problem tomorrow if not addressed promptly. By…

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Throwing garbage scraps down the garbage disposal
Top 10 Things to NOT Put in Your Garbage Disposal

It’s easy to assume the garbage disposal can “dispose all,” but this simply isn’t true. To avoid a plumbing disaster, think twice before rinsing your plate in the kitchen sink. Are you unsure which foods are not allowed down the drain? Consider the top 10 things most likely to damage your garbage disposal or clog the drain. Then, discover how to fix a broken garbage disposal and other tips to keep this appliance working…

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Snowfall in the woods
How to Prevent Common Plumbing Problems in Cold Weather

Colorado’s fairytale winters are beautiful enough to inspire song lyrics and movie posters. Unfortunately, the cold weather causes another less pleasant side effect—plumbing problems. If you’re new to Fort Collins or want to brush up on preventing winter plumbing issues, simply follow this guide.

Prevent Frozen Pipes
Frozen pipes are common in Colorado, both inside and outside the house. If not thawed quickly, frozen pipes can burst,…

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Beautiful home with green grass
A clogged sewer line is a problem, A broken sewer line is a disaster

All of the drains in your home lead to the main sewer line, which runs from your home and connects to a city sewer line or a septic tank. Keeping your water and sewer lines intact and working properly is critical to the health of your family, as well as to the structural integrity of your home.
There’s a big difference between a clogged drain line or a clogged or broken sewer line. If one of your drains is backing up, but some of the drains…

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Water running in drain
Ways to Fix a Smelly Drain

If you’ve ever had a smelly drain, you know how unpleasant it can be. But what causes smelly drains, and what can you do to get rid of the odor? Read on to learn some helpful drain tips and ways to prevent the issue from occurring.

What Causes a Smelly Drain
P-traps and smelly drains can be a real problem in the home. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to keep your drains smelling fresh and clean.
One of the…

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A group of kids throwing leaves up in the air
Fall Water Heater and Plumbing Hints and Tips

As the weather gets colder, it’s important to take steps to winterize your home–including your plumbing. Colder temperatures can cause several problems for your plumbing, including frozen pipes and an increased risk of leaks. Here are a few hints and tips to help you keep your Fort Collins’ plumbing in top shape this winter.

What to Do for Your Water Heater and Plumbing This Fall
If your home is like most, the water heater is one of the…

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Taking a steamy shower
Should I Install a Tankless Water Heater? 7 Pros and Cons

Most homes in the United States have storage tank water heaters. Americans are comfortable and familiar with this technology. Unfortunately, this makes many people hesitant to even consider more energy-efficient alternatives. For example, tankless water heaters save energy while providing limitless hot water. Of course, they aren’t without their flaws, or every home in America would have one.
If you’re thinking of replacing your water…

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Family preparing dinner
6 Tips To Prevent Clogged Drains This Holiday Season

The holiday season is finally here. You want your home to be in top shape and your household running smoothly. One thing you don’t want is clogged drains. Here’s a bit about how the holiday season can cause plumbing issues, and how you can prevent them.

Avoid the FOG
FOG stands for fat, oil and grease, and it can cause serious clogs in your pipes. At this time of year, you’re probably cooking more than ever. Maybe some of your…

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Testing Water Temperature with Hands
5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Heater

How much thought do you give to your water heater? If you’re like a lot of homeowners, you probably don’t think too much about it at all, unless there’s a problem. Paying attention to your water heater, though, is a good way to notice a problem before it becomes a disaster, or you find yourself without hot water. Small problems can be easily fixed, but here are some signs that it’s time to go ahead and replace the water heater.

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