Allen Services in Fort Collins, CO

Have a High-Efficiency Furnace in Northern Colorado or Boulder Today

If the furnace in your CO home is less than three years old it is most likely a high-efficiency model. If your system older, though, you can follow some simple steps that will make it perform very efficiently:

  • Clean or replace your air filters regularly. If your filters are blocked by dirt and debris your system will work harder to push air through them, causing more wear on your unit and costing you more money. In addition, this will improve the quality of the air in your home!
  • Clean all registers. Supply and return registers should be kept clean and should not be blocked.
  • Keep baseboards and radiators clean and unrestricted by furniture, carpets, or drapes.
  • Have your system maintained and inspected annually. Regular maintenance and inspections not only cut heating costs, but they also increase the lifetime of the system, reduce breakdowns and repair costs, and cut the amount of carbon monoxide, smoke, and other pollutants pumped into the atmosphere.
  • Seal your ducts. In homes heated with warm-air heating, ducts should be inspected and sealed to ensure adequate airflow and eliminate loss of heated air.

If you find you are still in need of an upgrade to your system or just have questions regarding your current system, trust the experts at Allen Service. We provide the furnace installation  residents of Fort Collins count on the most. Let us take care of all of your heating and cooling needs. Contact us today!