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Experience the Benefits of Ductless Mini Split AC

If you’re interested in heating and cooling your home more efficiently to save money and be more comfortable, a ductless mini split system might be right for you. The team at Allen Service specializes in ductless mini split air conditioners, offering installation, repair, and maintenance for homeowners in Fort Collins. If your home does not have ducts or you want to provide more control to each member of your household when it comes to temperature, a ductless mini split may be the best way to go. Learn more about ductless air conditioners and get in touch with us to request service.


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What Are Ductless Mini Split Systems?

A ductless mini split AC system heats and cools your whole home without the need for ductwork. These systems have an outdoor unit that is connected to wall-mounted blowers indoors. The wall-mounted blowers heat or cool each room directly. Each room is operated independently, so you won’t have to deal with rooms that are too hot or too cold compared to the rest of your house. You can also save money by not needing to heat or cool rooms that aren’t being used. Ductless mini split systems are ideal for a master bedroom that’s too warm, an office or den that’s uncomfortable, an area that receives too much sun, homes that cannot use a central AC system for a hot water heater, only wanting to cool certain rooms, a basement that gets too cold when running your central air conditioner, and more.

The Benefits of Ductless Systems

There are many reasons why homeowners in Fort Collins choose to have a ductless mini split air conditioner installed in their homes. These systems are incredibly reliable and work quickly and quietly. The outdoor component is much smaller and quieter than a traditional central air conditioner, while the indoor portion does not require a huge hole in your window or wall. Ductless systems are affordable to operate and are very efficient, offering excellent efficiency ratings. Learn more about some benefits of ductless mini split systems:

  • Size – Mini split systems are used to heat or cool individual rooms, with some models being able to connect up to four indoor units to one outdoor unit. Many homeowners appreciate the small size of these air conditioners.
  • Efficiency – With no ducts, you won’t need to worry about energy being lost. In fact, traditional duct systems can lose about 30% of energy consumption related to air conditioning.
  • Installation – Ductless mini split systems are easy to install compared to other air conditioners. The outdoor unit can be located in multiple places based on your needs and preferences.
  • Flexibility – Mini splits offer more interior design flexibility than other systems. Indoor air handlers can be mounted flush into drop ceilings, suspended from ceilings, or hung on doors, and there are also floor-standing models available.

FAQ About Ductless Mini Split AC Systems

The experienced team at Allen Service installs, repairs, and maintains ductless mini split air conditioning systems.

A mini split heat pump can sometimes cut energy usage by up to 60%. The amount of energy you can save will vary with each home.

Our team installs single-zone, multi-zone, wall-mounted, floor-mounted, and ceiling cassette mini split systems.

Mini split systems come in multiple sizes. Our team can determine the correct size for your home based on your square footage, ceiling height, and the local climate.

We install and work on all types of mini split systems. We recommend going with a trusted brand in the industry and would be happy to recommend the best system for your needs.

The most common plumbing problems that homeowners in Fort Collins and Boulder, CO, typically encounter include:

  • Dripping Faucets – This is not only annoying but also a waste of water and money if left untreated.
  • Slow Draining Sinks – This can be caused by a blockage that is restricting water flow.
  • Clogged Bath or Shower Drains – Hair and soap can easily clog bath or shower drains.
  • Clogged Toilets – This is a common issue that can be caused by flushing things not meant to be flushed.
  • Running Toilet – A toilet that runs constantly can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day.
  • Faulty Water Heater: If you’re not getting any hot water, your water heater might be the culprit.
  • Low Water Pressure – Often a problem in older homes, it can be caused by leaks, clogs, or incorrectly sized pipes.
  • Leaky Pipes: Most common in winter, leaky pipes can cause significant water damage.
  • Garbage Disposal Problems – Misuse (like the wrong kind of food waste) can break it.
  • Sewer System Backups – It’s a serious problem that should be dealt with immediately.

Each issue requires a unique solution, which our professional and experienced plumbers are adept at providing.

Our advanced water jetting service is your best bet to flush out the pipes in your plumbing system. This safe, thorough, professional cleaning method uses high-pressure water to effectively clear build-ups and blockages without damaging your pipes, unlike some do-it-yourself methods that can do more harm than good and lead to more costly repairs.

Tree roots can get entangled in your plumbing and become a major problem. They have the ability to invade and clog your pipes, causing serious damage and potentially leading to an expensive rehabilitation project. Thankfully, our world-class maintenance and regular inspection services can help identify and mitigate the threat of tree root invasion before any damage occurs.

Water damage can be prevented by staying vigilant and maintaining your plumbing system regularly. Always check for leaks, dripping faucets, and unusual water consumption. Equipping your home with water leak detectors and ensuring proper sealing around doors and windows can also be helpful. It’s beneficial to consult with our professional plumbers at Allen Service for early detection and remediation of potential issues.

A plumbing emergency is typically a situation that requires immediate attention due to the risk of extensive damage or hazards. This includes severe leaks, burst pipes, sewage backups, or an uncontrolled flow of water. These emergencies can cause significant damage to your property, potentially leading to costly repairs, and may also pose health risks due to potential water contamination.

Disposing waste properly is absolutely essential to prevent clogged pipes. One easy way to avoid this is by not flushing items like paper towels, feminine hygiene products, or wet wipes down the toilet. It’s also important to be mindful of what you pour down your kitchen sink, avoiding the disposal of grease or food remnants. By using drain guards and scheduling regular plumbing maintenance, you can effectively prevent clogs and keep your pipes running smoothly.

Taking care of your plumbing system is crucial for longevity and preventing costly repairs. Regular inspections, drain cleanings, and checking for leaks and corrosion are essential to identify potential issues early on. Preserving your system’s optimal performance means hiring a professional plumber to provide comprehensive diagnostics and inspections. By doing so, you can have peace of mind knowing your plumbing is in good hands and will continue to operate smoothly.

Dealing with a burst pipe requires prompt action. Start by shutting off the main water supply to prevent additional water damage. Next, contact a skilled plumber without delay. They will assess the damage, carry out necessary repairs, and provide guidance on mitigating potential water damage. Remember, addressing these emergencies promptly is crucial to avoid more severe issues from arising.

Waiting to call a plumber can lead to further damage and increased repair costs. As a general rule, you should contact a plumber as soon as you notice any abnormalities in your plumbing system, such as leaks, strange sounds, or unusual odors. For emergencies like burst pipes, you should call a plumber immediately.

The cost of plumbing repair varies greatly depending on the nature, severity, and parts required to resolve the issue. Allen Service offers transparent pricing and detailed quotes, providing affordable plumbing solutions for our Northern Colorado neighbors.

While drain chemicals can be effective in clearing blockages, they are generally not recommended due to their corrosive nature. These chemicals can cause damage to your pipes, mainly if they are old or made of certain materials. Additionally, they pose health and environmental risks. Instead, consider safer alternatives like using a plunger or a plumber’s snake or hiring a professional if the clog persists.

If you have a slow-draining sink, initial steps include using a plunger or a hand auger to remove any visible blockages. It’s also beneficial to periodically clean the pop-up stopper. If the problem persists, it might signify a deeper issue in your plumbing system. In such cases, we recommend contacting a professional plumber to diagnose and address the issue effectively.

When your toilet overflows, immediately stop the water flow by turning off the water valve, usually located behind the toilet. Then, use a plunger to try to clear the blockage. If this doesn’t work, or if overflows continue, contact our professional plumbers as soon as possible to avoid further water damage and to resolve the underlying issue.

It is generally recommended to have your septic system serviced every 3-5 years. However, the exact frequency can depend on factors such as the size of your household, the amount of wastewater generated, the volume of solids in the wastewater, and the size of your septic tank. Regular servicing helps maintain the system’s functionality and prevents costly repairs.

If you discover a leak in your pipes, promptly shut off the water supply to prevent further damage. If possible, place a bucket under the leak to catch any dripping water. Avoid attempting complex DIY fixes that could exacerbate the problem. Instead, contact our plumbing experts immediately for a proper diagnosis and repair.

Knowing when to replace your plumbing fixtures depends on a few signs. These include persistent leaks, noticeable rust or corrosion, frequent clogs, water discoloration, or a significant drop in water pressure. Age is also a factor, as fixtures over 20 years old often require replacement. Always consult a certified plumbing professional if you’re unsure.

The type of materials for your plumbing largely depends on your specific needs and local regulations. Common materials include PVC for drainpipes, copper for water supply lines due to its durability, and PEX for its flexibility and resistance to both heat and cold. Always consult a licensed plumber to choose the best materials for your plumbing system.

Preventive maintenance for your plumbing system begins with routinely checking for leaks, rust, or abnormal sounds. Regular visual inspections of your plumbing, draining sediment from your water heater, and gently cleaning fixtures can go a long way. Regularly clean drains to prevent clogs, routinely check water pressure, and avoid flushing non-biodegradable items down the toilet. We also recommend seasonal preparations to combat the harsh weather changes.

Recognizing the need for a professional plumbing service often comes down to the severity and complexity of the issue. Persistent leaks, severe clogs, decreased water pressure, or unusual noises are indicators. Do not wait until an emergency arises. Regular maintenance checks by professional plumbers can help prevent major issues and ensure the longevity of your plumbing system.

Drain cleaning typically involves clearing clogs from the drains within your home, including sinks, showers, and bathtubs. It addresses blockages in the individual fixtures.

Sewer cleaning deals with larger-scale blockages in the main sewer line that connects your home to the municipal sewer system. It is a more extensive process that handles issues affecting the entire property’s plumbing system.

Regular maintenance is essential to preventing clogged drains. Avoid disposing oil, grease, coffee grounds, or fibrous food waste that can create blockages in your drains. Use drain screens to catch hair and other debris in your showers and sinks. Running hot water through your sinks after each use can help prevent build-up. Always consider scheduling professional drain cleaning services annually to keep your drains clear and functional.

Drain lines may need replacement if you frequently experience backups, notice foul odors, or see sinkholes in your yard. Older homes with original plumbing may require drain line replacement due to aging materials. Regularly scheduling maintenance service allows our plumbing experts to monitor the ongoing health of your drain lines. A detailed history and insightful approach will keep you well-informed of your system’s condition.

If your drains are slow or not draining properly, it may indicate a blockage or build-up. Try a plunger to clear minor clogs. If the problem persists, it’s recommended to contact our professionals at Allen Service. We can effectively diagnose and treat the issue using advanced techniques like water jetting, especially for stubborn or recurrent blockages.

Tree root intrusions in your drain lines can develop into serious plumbing issues, often requiring a plumbing professional’s intervention. Our Allen Service plumbers are highly trained to eliminate root intrusions and will help you determine the best course of action designed to uproot the problem and prevent regrowth.

For severe invasions, replacing the affected pipes might be necessary, but regular maintenance can help you prevent significant damage caused by tree roots.

Common signs of a clogged drain or pipe include slow drainage, a gurgling noise coming from your drains, unpleasant odors, and water backup from sinks, showers, or toilets. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s a good idea to contact a professional plumber who can accurately diagnose and rectify the issue.

Cleaning a clogged drain begins with identifying the type of blockage. Minor clogs can often be cleared with a plunger or a handheld drain auger. More stubborn blockages may require professional tools like a plumber’s snake or water jetting service. Regular maintenance, avoiding problematic waste disposal, and using drain screens can help you prevent disruptive drain clogs.

Regular drain cleaning and inspections are recommended at least once a year to maintain the functionality of your plumbing system. If problems like frequent clogs, slow drainage, or unpleasant odors persist, it’s advisable to have your drains inspected more frequently. Always consult a professional plumber such as Allen Service to determine the appropriate schedule based on your circumstances.

In an emergency, a plunger is often the fastest way to unclog a drain. If that doesn’t work, a plumber’s snake or a handheld drain auger can be used to tackle tougher clogs. However, severe blockages may require professional assistance. Avoid using chemical drain cleaners that can damage your pipes. It’s always advised to prioritize safety and contact a plumbing expert if you’re ever in doubt.

A sewer line can get clogged for various reasons, from grease build-up and food waste to hair, soap scum, and other debris. Tree roots infiltrating the sewer line can also lead to blockages. Flushing inappropriate items down the toilet, like diapers, wipes, or feminine hygiene products, often contributes to sewer line clogs. Scheduling plumbing maintenance on a routine basis will help prevent these issues from becoming an emergency.

Signs of a sewer line backup can include multiple drains in your home backing up simultaneously, foul odors emitted from your drains, and water pooling around the basement drain. Frequent toilet overflows or gurgling sounds from your drains might also indicate a sewer line backup. A professional inspection is recommended if you suspect a backup.

If you suspect a sewer line backup, you should immediately stop using all water fixtures and appliances to prevent further backup. Contact an emergency plumbing service such as Allen Service right away. We can conduct a thorough inspection, accurately diagnose the issue, and provide an effective, long-lasting solution.

Clearing a sewer line blockage involves comprehensive procedures and professional equipment. For minor clogs, a plumber’s snake may suffice. However, severe blockages often require advanced methods like water jetting. In some cases, a camera inspection becomes necessary to identify the exact location and nature of the blockage. It’s crucial to hire a professional plumber for this task to ensure the blockage is properly and safely cleared and to avoid further damage to your plumbing system.

Clogged sewer lines are commonly caused by a build-up of household waste, such as grease, hair, and soap scum. Flushing inappropriate items like diapers, wipes, or feminine hygiene products can also create blockages. Tree roots infiltrating the sewer line can lead to significant obstruction.

To maintain your drain lines properly, perform regular preventative actions such as using drain screens to catch debris and avoid disposing grease or oil down the sink. Run hot water through sinks after use to prevent residue build-up. Routine professional inspection and cleaning can also be beneficial for the health of your plumbing system.

To determine if your plumbing system is up to code, we highly advise consulting with our licensed plumbers at Allen Service. We can perform a thorough inspection of your system to check for compliance with local building and plumbing codes. We have an in-depth understanding of these codes and remain current on any changes, especially for renovations and new system installations.

Sewer lines and drain lines serve different purposes in a plumbing system. A drain line transports wastewater from sinks, showers, and toilets in your home to the primary sewer line. The sewer line is a larger pipe that carries this wastewater from your home’s drain lines to the municipal sewer system or septic tank.

Warning signs that your sewer lines need a close inspection include frequent drain clogs or backups, foul odors emanating from your drains, gurgling sounds, and water pooling in your yard or basement. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact our plumbing specialists at Allen Service immediately for a thorough sewer line inspection to prevent further damage.

At Allen Service, we offer comprehensive sewer and drain cleaning services, water jetting services, and trenchless sewer line repair. We utilize the industry’s latest technology to ensure the most efficient and effective cleaning solution for your specific plumbing circumstance. Our aim is to provide long-lasting solutions to maintain your plumbing system’s optimal functionality.

We handle both minor and major blockages, providing professional advice for preventative maintenance. If you’re in need of plumbing assistance, you can always count on our rapid response at Allen Service.

If your home is older than 20 years and still has the original electrical panel, it may not have enough capacity to support modern appliances and devices. If you’ve experienced tripped breakers or flickering lights, a panel upgrade may be necessary.

Some signs that your house may need rewiring include frequent power outages, a burning smell coming from outlets or switches, and outdated wiring materials such as knob-and-tube or aluminum wiring.

It’s always recommended to hire a licensed electrician for any electrical repairs to ensure safety and avoid potential hazards. Attempting to do repairs without proper knowledge and training can be dangerous.

Yes, we offer 24/7 emergency electrical services for urgent situations that require immediate attention. Serving our customers’ safety and needs is our top priority. If you have an electrical emergency, do not hesitate to contact us immediately.

Blocked drains most often occur due to a buildup of debris, such as food particles, hair, and grease. Other possible causes include tree roots invading sewer lines or faulty plumbing installations.

To prevent drain blockages, avoid pouring grease or oil down your drains and use a hair catcher to keep hair from going down the drain. Regularly cleaning your drains with hot water and vinegar can also help prevent buildup.

If you’ve tried DIY methods like using a plunger or drain snake but are still experiencing slow draining or clogs, it’s time to call a professional. It’s also best to schedule regular maintenance cleanings to prevent future issues.

Bio-clean is an eco-friendly solution used in drain cleaning that contains live bacteria and enzymes that eat away at organic waste buildup, like hair and food particles, without causing damage to your pipes.

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Why Choose Us for Mini Split Services

We know you have choices when it comes to ductless mini split services in Fort Collins. The team at Allen Service specializes in plumbing services, as well as heating and cooling. We perform air conditioning repair, indoor air quality services, AC installation and replacement, air conditioning tune-ups, and more. Contact us today to request service.

Call us today for expert repairs.