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New HVAC Systems as low as $135/month*

*with approved credit. Restrictions may apply. Call for details.

Air Conditioners in Fort Collins

Summer temperatures can reach the mid-90s in our area, so it is crucial to maintain your air conditioning unit. We can repair and replace air conditioners in Fort Collins because we have a team of expert technicians who care about customer satisfaction. We founded our company over 60 years ago, and our longevity is proof of our excellence. Discover why working with our company is your best bet for superior air conditioner services by calling today.

10 Year Parts and labor on our HVAC system replacement.

Invest In Once-Yearly Tune-Ups Of Your AC Unit

As you might expect, parts can break. By investing in a once-yearly check-up of your system, you can guarantee your AC will blast refreshing cool air throughout your home. Not only do tune-ups help ensure comfort, but they also save money because they prevent large-scale repairs – which can become pricey.

Our Comprehensive Collection of AC Services

We offer a comprehensive range of cooling services to our customers. That includes placing high-quality thermostats, recharging coolant, repairing leaks, installing humidifiers, and recommending sophisticated climate control equipment. Our services include:

  • Air Conditioning Repair: There is any number of problems that can occur with an air conditioner. reach out to Allen Service if you’re getting low airflow, hearing noises, the AC has shut off completely, or anything else.
  • Central Air Conditioners: Large houses require central air conditioning to cool the entire home adequately. We provide installation, repairs, and tune-ups of these systems. We know how to diagnose problems with the unit itself, the thermostat, or more.
  • Indoor Air Quality: We highly recommend investing in indoor air quality equipment. Often placed inside the ducts, these units can filter out harmful contaminants such as dust, dander, and allergens.
  • Air Purification Service: This process might include cleaning the ducts and other elements to prevent colds, flu, and extreme allergies. Investing in this service once a year will ensure there is no buildup of toxins.
  • AC Installation and Replacement: We are authorized Bryant® and Aprilaire® dealers. Both are respected manufacturers of high-quality air conditioning units. We can determine whether repairs or replacements are your best bet.
  • Energy-Efficiency: We believe in saving our customers money. Many homeowners might not be aware of how inefficient their home has become. The air conditioner requires everything to run smoothly to be as efficient as it can be. We can seal drafts, take care of unevenly cooled spots, and provide a thorough performance analysis with recommendations.

Allen Service Partner Plan

We encourage you to take ownership of the health of your air conditioning system. One of the best ways to do so is by investing in our Allen Service Partner Plan, which provides households with plenty of additional benefits and savings. The results of paying a few extra dollars are more efficient systems, an air conditioner in tip-top shape, and peace of mind.

Contact Allen Service Today

Allen Service’s vast array of cooling services are what every homeowner needs to maintain their AC unit’s warranty, stay cool, and guarantee their peace of mind. While we are authorized Bryant® and Aprilaire® dealers, we are familiar with all manufacturers and brands, making us an excellent resource for repairs. If you are having problems with your AC unit, do not hesitate to contact our company today.

You Deserve Service This Good!TM